3. 指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目“考虑客户流失的电商灵活与固定广告合约研究”和“排放权交易机制下竞争供应链减排策略研究”
4. 指导学生获得2021年全国大学生数据统计与分析竞赛三等奖
5. 指导两项8188www威尼斯“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛三等奖
8. 指导学生获得2021年亚太地区大学生数学建模竞赛(APMCM)三等奖
9. 指导学生获得2022年第八届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛三等奖
长期从事经济管理问题的可计算建模,在跨界污染博弈、低碳供应链博弈、市场营销等微分博弈模型的高效数值格式的构造及理论分析方面完成了许多工作。近年来,已经在包括Computers and Mathematics with Applications、Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation和European Journal of Operational Research、Transportation Research Part E、IEEE Trans等计算数学及工程计算领域和运筹学领域知名期刊上发表论文多篇。
1.排污权交易机制下低碳产品定价与供应链协同减排研究,2019.3-2021.12, 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(项目编号:19YJCZH174),已结项(结项证书编号:2022JXZ1567)。
2. 基于过度自信的低碳供应链决策优化与协调,2020.1-2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:71972142)。
3. 碳交易机制下资金约束供应链的减排及融资策略研究,2020.1-2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:71972141)。
1.Shuhua Chang, Jing Wang and Xinyu Wang, A fitted finite volume method for real option valuation of risks in climate change,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 70 (2015),1198-1219.(中科院一区)
2. Shuhua Zhang, Xinyu Wang and Aleksandr Shananin, Modeling and computation of mean field equilibria in producers' game with emission permits trading,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 37 (2016),238-248.(中科院一区)
3. Shuhua Chang, Xinyu Wang and Zheng Wang, Modeling and computation of transboundary industrial pollution with emissions permits trading by stochastic differential game,PLoS ONE, 10 (2015), e0138641.
4. Shuhua Chang, Xinyu Wang, Modelling and computation in the valuation of carbon derivatives with stochastic convenience yields,PLoS ONE, 10 (2015), e0125679.
5. Shuhua Chang, Xinyu Wang and Zheng Wang, Modelling and computing the peaks of carbon emission with balanced growth,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 91 (2016),452-460.(中科院一区)
6. Shuhua Chang, Xinyu Wang and Hua Li, Modeling and computation of water management by real options,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 14 (2018), 81-103.
7. Shuhua Chang, Weihua Qin and Xinyu Wang, Dynamic optimal strategies in transboundary pollution game under learning by doing,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 490(2018),139-147.(中科院二区)
8. Shuhua Zhang, Xinyu Wang and Song Wang, Modeling and computation of energy efficiency management with emission permits trading,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 14 (2018), 1349-1365.
9. Shuhua Chang, Suresh Sethi, Xinyu Wang,Optimal Abatement and Emission Permit Trading Policies in a Dynamic Transboundary Pollution Game,DynamicGames and Applications,8 (2018),542–572.
10. Yunya Xie, Shuhua Chang, Ming Yan, Zhipeng Zhang, Xinyu Wang,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 492 (2018),2027-2033.(中科院二区)
11.Yu’e Wu,Zhipeng Zhang,Xinyu Wang,Shuhua Chang, Impact of probabilistic incentives on the evolution of cooperation in complex topologies,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 513 (2019),307-314.(中科院二区)
12.Jun Wang, Xianxue Cheng, Xinyu Wang, Hongtao Yang and Shuhua Zhang, Myopic vs. farsighted behaviors in a low-carbon supply chain with reference emission effects,Complexity, vol. 2019, Article ID 3123572, 15 pages, 2019.
13. Jiayue Zhang, Junlin Wang andXinyuWang, Modelling and computation for the valuation of two-period R&D projects by option games,Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 11(2019),957-979.
14. Yufang Wang, Xinyu Wang and Shuhua Zhang, Product innovation and process innovation in a dynamic Stackelberg game,Computers and Industrial Engineering,130(2019),395-403.(中科院二区)
15. Xin Wang, Xinyu Wang, Baoqin Yu, Shuhua Zhang, A comparative study of entry mode options for E-commerce platforms and suppliers,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 37 (2019), 100888.(SSCIJCRQ1)
16.Shuhua Chang, Zhaowei Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Yan Dong, Optimal acquisition and retention strategies in a duopoly model of competition,European Journal of Operational Research. 288 (2020), 677-695.(ABS4)
17.Shuhua Chang, Yan Dong, Xinyu Wang, Optimal shipping policy in retail competition and its effect on customers,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 45 (2021), 101020.(SSCIJCRQ1)
18. Shuhua Chang, Jingyi Yue, Xinyu Wang, Baoqin Yu,Managerial strategies for process innovation through the perspective of competition among supply chain members,Journal of Cleaner Production, 296 (2021), 126532. (中科院一区)
19. Yu'e Wu, Zhipeng Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Ming Yan, QingfengZhang, Shuhua Zhang,Evolution of cooperation in the multigame on a two-layer square network,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 400 (2021), 126088. (中科院一区)
20. Shuhua Chang, Junying Zhao, Ming Yan, and Xinyu Wang, Modeling and computation of mean field game with compound carbon abatement mechanisms,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 17 (2021), 3333-3347.
21.Xiuxian Li, Ling Li, Xinyu Wang, Shuhua Zhang, Implication of advertising lag on the dynamic optimal decisions in an O2O supply chain,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 668319, 2021.
22.Xinyu Wang, Suresh Sethi, Shuhua Chang,Pollution abatement using cap-and-trade in a dynamic supply chain and its coordination,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158 (2022), 102592.(ABS3)
23. Xinyu Wang, Shuhua Zhang, Wenwei Hao, Myopic vs. foresighted behaviors in a transboundary pollution game with abatement policy and emission permits trading,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 156 (2022), 111807. (中科院一区)
24. Shuhua Chang, Yameng Wang, Xinyu Wang, Kok Lay, Teo, Pricing and energy efficiency decisions by manufacturer under channel coordination,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 18 (2022), 1557-1582.
25. Shuhua Chang, Anqi Li, Xin Wang, Xinyu Wang, Joint optimization of e-commerce supply chain financing strategy and channel contract,European Journal of Operational Research, 303 (2022), 908-927.(ABS4)
26. Xinyu Wang, Shuhua Zhang, The interplay between subsidy and regulation under competition,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53 (2023), 1038-1050. (ABS3)
27. 王心,余林,张书华,王新宇, 政府补贴对跨境电商供应链合作模式影响研究, 计算机工程与应用, 2023.
28. Shuhua Zhang, Wen Liu, Pengwen Hou, Xinyu Wang. Impact of government subsidy on the remanufacturing industry regarding technology cooperation.Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, 19(6): 4152-4179.
29. Shuhua Chang, Haiteng Ma, Xinyu Wang. Strategic Inventory and Supplier Encroachment under Asymmetric Information.Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, online.
30.Shuhua Chang, Anqi Li, Xinyu Wang, Jiayue Zhang, Optimal combination of platform channel contract and gurantee financing strategy in e-commerce market,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 172(2023), 103094.(ABS3)
1. 天津市计算数学学会理事
2.运筹与管理、数学物理学报、Mathematical Reviews(No. 140678)、Transportation Research Part E、Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Operational Research、Computational Economics、Kybernetes、Physica A、Complexity、Managerial and Decision Economics、Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization、Parallel Processing Letters等国内外期刊审稿人。